Income inequality
The degree to which income is distributed unequally in an economy or population; income inequality can be illustrated using a Lorenz Curve and measured using the Gini coefficient.
Income inequality refers to the unequal distribution of income among individuals or households within a country. High income inequality can have negative consequences for social and economic development, such as increased poverty and reduced economic growth. Here are five examples of countries with high income inequality, as measured by the Gini coefficient, a commonly used measure of income inequality, with data from the World Bank:
- South Africa - Gini coefficient of 63.1 in 2020
- Namibia - Gini coefficient of 61.8 in 2020
- Central African Republic - Gini coefficient of 59.4 in 2020
- Botswana - Gini coefficient of 57.2 in 2020
- Eswatini - Gini coefficient of 53.8 in 2020
Here are five examples of countries with low income inequality, as measured by the Gini coefficient, a commonly used measure of income inequality, with data from the World Bank:
- Iceland - Gini coefficient of 24.0 in 2020
- Norway - Gini coefficient of 25.0 in 2020
- Denmark - Gini coefficient of 26.5 in 2020
- Czech Republic - Gini coefficient of 28.3 in 2020
- Finland - Gini coefficient of 30.2 in 2020
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Poster / Student Handout
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4.2.2 Inequality (Edexcel A-Level Economics Teaching PowerPoint)
Teaching PowerPoints
4.2.2 Inequality (Edexcel)
Study Notes
Gini Coefficient
Study Notes
Key Diagrams - The Lorenz Curve
Topic Videos
Inequality - Incomes of richest 1% in the USA surge
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Stiglitz on the Case for 70% Tax Rate on High Income Earners
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How to make poor areas richer
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Fixing inequality and insecurity in the USA
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Countries with the Highest Income Inequality
12th September 2022
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The Decade The Rich Won
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Earned and Unearned Income
Topic Videos
UK sees first mid-recession wealth boom since the mid-1940s
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Why concentration of wealth makes the US economy fragile
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Study Notes
Is Trickle-Down Economics Dead?
21st December 2020
Evaluating Supply Side Policies (Online Lesson)
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The unequal impact of coronavirus
9th April 2020
New Economic Thinking: Inequality - The Bigger Picture
4th February 2020
New Economic Thinking: What is happening to Inequality Now?
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New Economic Thinking: Inequality - What is Happening?
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New Economic Thinking: How Do We Measure Inequality?
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New Economic Thinking: Inequality - Why Should We Care?
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Who are the super-rich in the UK?
23rd January 2020
Income Inequality and Wealth Inequality
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Six tax-based ways to tackle inequality
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Distribution of Income (2019 Update)
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Why The Inequality Gap Is Growing Between Rich And Poor
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Maths Made Easy for A-Level Economics - Quantiles
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The Dutch Historian who savaged the Davos Elite
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What explains the divide between rich and poor?
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The Economics of Superstars
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Think Tank calls for major reforms of the UK economy
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Living standards, poverty and inequality in the UK in 2018
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Globalisation and Inequality (Revision Essay Plan)
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Fiscal Policy and Inequality (Revision Essay Plan)
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Income and Wealth (Quizlet Activity)
Quizzes & Activities
Should the Super-Rich Pay for a Universal Basic Income?
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'Fat Cat Thursday' - 04 January 2018
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Are we asking the wrong questions about inequality?
30th December 2017
Median Income and Relative Poverty
Study Notes
Inequality and Social Gradients - Deprivation and cause of Death
2nd November 2017
How Tax and Spending Policies Can Reduce Poverty and Inequality
20th September 2017
Should the rich be taxed more?
2nd September 2017
Interview with Richard Blundell
19th August 2017
Inequality: are we measuring the right things?
24th March 2017