Fixing inequality and insecurity in the USA

8th October 2022
James K.Galbraith argues in this piece published in the Guardian that the United States economy has for too longer fostered inequality and reduce the poorest in society to a state of near-penury and the insecurity of living from hand to mouth.
He suggests a number of solutions to the widening inequality - based on strengthening the benefit system, boosting the minimum wage and investing in infrastructure and fighting climate change among other things.
He writes:
"In the 1980s, taxes were shifted away from personal & corporate incomes & capital gains & toward payrolls & sales – [resulting in the] … rise of an oligarchy ... The remedy now is to tax these accumulations … to bring the new plutocrats back to earth.”
"On one side, oceans of wealth and power. On the other, precarity and powerlessness."
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