Topic Videos

Distribution of Income (2019 Update)

GCSE, AS, A-Level, IB, BTEC National, BTEC Tech Award
AQA, Edexcel, OCR, IB, Eduqas, WJEC

Last updated 24 Oct 2019

In this short video we will take a look at how we measure income inequality in the UK and what has happened to the scale of the gap between the top and bottom of the income ladder in recent years.

Income and wealth inequality is perhaps one of the most important policy issues of the age, so it is well worth having a good awareness of what the key numbers are.

Distribution of Income (2019 Update)

Two key points to remember on inequality:

“Inequalities exist not just in income and living standards, but in wealth, health, family environments, life chances and political influence.”

“There are many big forces that drive inequalities, from technological change, globalisation, labour markets and corporate behaviour, to family structures and education systems.”

Source Deaton Review,(2019)

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