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Think Tank calls for major reforms of the UK economy
6th September 2018
The IPPR Commission on Economic Justice has found that the UK is being held back by a number of weaknesses, not least a lack of investment, and high levels of inequality and has proposed a number of solutions to these deep-seated problems.
The economy is not working for everyone.
— IPPR (@IPPR) September 5, 2018
But we forget it’s of human design. We can change things.
Read the Commission on Economic Justice final report for the plan for a new economy #EconomicJustice
Tonight on #BBCNewsTen Archbishop Justin Welby, Sara Bryson, of the Commission on Economic Justice, and Stephanie Todd talk to @bbckamal about just about managing and what a "just economy" means to them. @BBCNews @IPPR
— BBC Business (@BBCBusiness) September 5, 2018
"Tax should be a fundamental part of being a citizen, and those who have the most should pay the most." Archbishop Justin Welby @JustinWelby tells me why taxes must rise to fix "unjust" economy @BBCNews @IPPR
— Kamal Ahmed (@kamalahmednews) September 5, 2018
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