Capital labour substitution
Replacing workers with machines in a bid to increase productivity and reduce the unit cost of production. This can lead to structural unemployment.
The AI Revolution: Will the UK Lead or Lag?
14th January 2025
Why Amazon still needs humans in the robot age
11th November 2022
Economic Growth (Revision Quizlet Activity)
Quizzes & Activities
Capita to replace workers with robots
10th December 2016
A World Without Work (Daniel Susskind)
21st January 2020
UK Economy: Can the UK reach full-employment?
Topic Videos
Synoptic Economics: Falling Unemployment
Topic Videos
Unemployment - Main Causes of Unemployment
Study Notes
How Automation Affects Employment
Practice Exam Questions
Inside an ultra-efficient BMW factory
17th April 2018
Robots will transform fast food
27th December 2017
The ultimate carrot harvester!
10th September 2017
Why Africa’s development model puzzles economists
21st August 2017
Mercedes-Benz swaps robots for people
27th February 2016
Robotic bricklayer builds houses 3x faster than humans
13th April 2017
The Battle between Robots and Skill
14th April 2015
Why There More Hairdressers Now Than in 1871
18th August 2015
Capital-labour substitution at Ford
15th October 2015
Could Ernie replace Andy? The Bank’s take on automation
17th November 2015