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Robots will transform fast food

27th December 2017
This long read from the Atlantic is good on some of the benefits and costs of introducing digitisation and robotics into the fast food industry. Robots are getting better at cooking burgers and steaks and 10 percent of Starbucks sales in the USA now come from customers using their app, many of whom seem to be happy to avoid completely any interaction with a barista when picking up their morning latte or cortado. Caliburger in the USA now uses facial recognition to take orders.
Will robots free workers from dirty, dangerous and dull, repetitive tasks?
Read Robots Will Transform Fast Food
And of course, we mustn't forget the emergence of Flippy the Robot!
#Robots will transform #FastFood: the international chain @CaliBurgerusa will soon install Flippy, a robot that can flip 150 burgers an hour, explains John Miller, the CEO of Cali Group, which owns the chain in @TheAtlantic @AlanaSemuels
— Partech (@PartechPartners) December 16, 2017
Facial Recognition Goes (Very) Mainstream: CaliBurger’s new kiosk uses facial recognition to take orders. #FacialRecognition #FastFood #Innovation
— Marvin Stone (@MarvinStone) December 21, 2017
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