Study Notes Objectives of Firms (AQA Economics)


Last updated 20 Dec 2023

This AQA Economics study note covers objectives of firms. In the bustling world of economics, firms hold a central role. But are they simply profit-hungry machines, or do they pursue more diverse goals? This study note explores the objectives of firms, venturing beyond the traditional profit-maximisation model to unveil a spectrum of motivations driving business decisions.

1. Profit Maximization: The Classic Crown Jewel

For decades, economic theory has crowned profit maximization as the king of firm objectives. This model assumes firms strive to earn the highest possible profits, represented by the golden rule: Marginal Cost (MC) = Marginal Revenue (MR). At this equilibrium point, firms achieve maximum profit by balancing the additional cost of producing another unit with the additional revenue it generates.

Contextual Examples:

  • Airlines adjusting ticket prices based on demand: Higher prices during peak seasons reflect increased marginal revenue, balancing increased costs with profit maximization.
  • Supermarkets offering discounts on bulk purchases: Lower prices per unit for larger quantities attract more customers, boosting overall revenue while keeping individual marginal revenue positive.

However, the real world often throws wrenches into this neat model:

2. Divorce of Ownership from Control: When the King Loses His Grip

In modern corporations, a separation often exists between owners (shareholders) who invest capital and managers who make day-to-day decisions. This divorce of ownership from control can introduce conflicting objectives:

  • Shareholders prioritize high dividends and stock price appreciation, which may be achieved through short-term profit maximization.
  • Managers may prioritize long-term goals like growth, market share, or employee satisfaction, even if they sacrifice immediate profits.

Consequences of the Divorce:

  • Short-termism: Pressure from shareholders can lead to decisions that neglect long-term investments in research and development or employee training, potentially hampering future growth.
  • Agency problems: Managers may act in their own self-interest, such as increasing executive compensation, even if it harms shareholders' profits.

3. Beyond Profit: Wearing Different Hats

While profit remains a major motivator, firms often juggle additional objectives:

  • Survival: In competitive markets, staying afloat is paramount. Firms may prioritize cost-cutting measures and market adaptation to ensure long-term survival.
  • Growth: Expanding market share and revenue can attract investors and secure future success. Firms may invest in marketing, acquisitions, or new product lines to fuel growth.
  • Quality: Delivering high-quality products can build brand loyalty and customer satisfaction, leading to long-term benefits. Firms may invest in research and development and quality control processes to enhance product quality.
  • Satisficing: Accepting "good enough" returns instead of relentlessly pursuing the absolute maximum profit.This approach balances profit with other objectives like employee well-being or environmental sustainability.

Contextual Examples:

  • Tesla prioritizing electric vehicle innovation even if it sacrifices short-term profitability, aiming for long-term growth and market leadership in a sustainable future.
  • Patagonia's commitment to environmental responsibility and fair labor practices, aiming to align profitability with ethical considerations.


Firms are not homogenous profit-maximizing machines; they wear a variety of hats with diverse objectives. Understanding these motivations is crucial for analyzing business decisions, predicting market trends, and shaping policy interventions. Remember, the economic landscape is rarely a one-act play with profit alone in the spotlight. It's a multifaceted drama where firms juggle complex goals, making the world of business endlessly fascinating and dynamic.


  • Profit maximization: Increasing firm profits to the highest attainable level.
  • Marginal cost (MC): The additional cost of producing one more unit of output.
  • Marginal revenue (MR): The additional revenue generated by selling one more unit of output.
  • Divorce of ownership from control: The separation of ownership (shareholders) and control (managers) in a firm.
  • Short-termism: Prioritizing immediate profit gains over long-term investments and development.
  • Agency problems: Conflicts of interest that arise when managers act in their own interests at the expense of shareholders.
  • Survival: The primary objective of firms in competitive markets, ensuring continued existence.
  • Growth: Expanding market share and revenue to secure future success and attract investors.
  • Quality: Delivering products or services that meet high standards and exceed customer expectations.
  • Satisficing: Achieving an acceptable level of performance instead of relentlessly seeking the absolute maximum profit.

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