In the News

Watch Recommendation: BBC Panorama - The Channel Crisis

Craig Gelling

10th October 2022

In this Panorama special, Jane Corbin investigates people smuggling into the UK.

One of the impacts of globalisation has been the increase in migration. Whilst this often is done through legal channels, there has been an increase in the trafficking of people by organised crime gangs, and the UK has become a destination for many of those smuggled by these gangs. In light of the UK’s proposal to deport asylum seekers and migrants to Rwanda, the BBC’s Jane Corbin investigates people smuggling into the UK.

This half hour programme highlights how people are smuggled into the UK through contact with organised criminal networks based in Turkey. The documentary speaks to refugees and asylum seekers at different stages of their journey and demonstrates the devastating impact of the illegal trade of human trafficking. It also speaks to those organising the smuggling of people across Europe.

Watch the programme here.

Craig Gelling

Craig is an experienced Sociology teacher and examiner and is known as The Sociology Guy on social media. Craig helps design and deliver tutor2u Sociology CPD courses and student exam workshops.

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