Quizzes & Activities

Edexcel Theme 3 Micro Knowledge Book - Government Intervention


Last updated 28 Dec 2018

Here are some links and revision activities for students and teachers using the Edexcel Theme 3 Knowledge Book for Economics. This section covers government intervention in markets which is from page 86 onwards.

Here is our main collection of study resources on government intervention

Key study topic areas

Anti-competitive behaviour

Nationalisation and Privatisation

State aid

Industry regulation

Takeovers and mergers

Government failure

Topical issues

Rail nationalisation (page 93 of the Knowledge Book)

Economics of rail nationalisation (tutor2u)

Guardian news articles on the rail industry

Water industry (page 96 of the Knowledge Book)

Study collection on the water industry (tutor2u)

Guardian news articles on the water industry and water as an economic issue

Revision quizlet activity on government intervention in markets

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