In the News
Seven charts that explain the plastic pollution problem

10th December 2017
One of THE defining issues of the age and one that consumers, producers, governments and supra-national bodies are (not before time) starting to address.
Some 480 billion plastic bottles were sold globally in 2016 - that's a million bottles per minute.
Read Seven charts that explain the plastic pollution problem
"This is a planetary crisis... we are ruining the ecosystem of the ocean."
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) December 10, 2017
Seven charts that explain the plastic pollution problem
Coca-Cola is using one-third more single-use plastic bottles than it was ten years ago. We have to make the company change direction.
— Greenpeace USA (@greenpeaceusa) December 9, 2017
Tell Coca-Cola's CEO to commit to end plastic pollution! >>
What exactly is Marks and Spencer trying to do here?
If only apples came with some kind of protective edible skin... Poor show @marksandspencer - I thought you cared about #PlasticPollution
— Bryce Stewart (@BD_Stew) December 2, 2017
50% of the Plastic we use, we use just once and throw away. 😦
— TurnTheTideOnPlastic (@TurnTidePlastic) December 2, 2017
.#turnthetideonplastic #beatpollution #cleanseas #plasticpollution
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