Topic Videos

Applied Behavioural - Economics of Obesity [Head Start in A-Level Economics]

AS, A-Level, IB
AQA, Edexcel, OCR, IB, Eduqas, WJEC

Last updated 16 May 2020

In Session Four of our short Head Start course in behavioural economics we look at the important economic and social issue of obesity.

We will be adding in some student activities and suggestions for wider reading and research in the next few days.

Video 1: Introduction to the Economics of Obesity

This video looks at some of the data on obesity in the UK and other countries and also some of the underlying causes of rising levels of obesity.

Video 2: Nudges and Shoves to address the issue of obesity

In this second short video we look at some suggestions for behavioural economics that might nudge us to adopt healthier diets and lifestyles. Are behavioural nudges enough or do we need stronger "shoves" such as new taxes on high fat, high salt and sugar foods and drinks?


It might be interesting to do some background research on Mexico which is a country with one of the highest levels of obesity in the world and huge problems arising from diabetes. Here is a video looking at attempts to use behavioural nudges too improve diet and lifestyle in Mexico.

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