I quite like the idea of no emails until 11am. How many schools for example have banned staff emails anytime after 8pm in the evening? (Coda: I work in a boarding school environment).

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The Xmas holidays have arrived and I was taken by this tweet from staff at Barr Beacon school who have putt down on paper some of the things they do for our teachers' well being. They are up to 46...

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How wonderful! When Claudia Vulliamy received a rejection letter from Oxford University she turned it into an incredible piece of art.

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Perhaps by the time you are reading this your school will have already announced a snow-day? Heaven or hell for teachers? Mary Morris, a teacher at Rush Strong School in Tennessee, put together a...

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Bradley Busch is a psychologist from Inner Drive. He writes evidence-based articles for The Guardian on topics related to teaching and learning.

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John Tomsett, Headmaster at Huntingdon School in York has a new book out early in the New Year.

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I spotted a short article in today's Times, which reported on the findings from a large-scale UK study on the subject choices of GCSE students and the possible link to stress. The survey concluded...

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Ask any teacher if they've had a stressful week and the answer will almost always be "Yes!" But can stress actually be our friend?Watch this 15 min TED talk from psychologist Kelly McGonigal on...

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I'm not quite sure yet what I think of this TED talk, but it's worth a watch - Reshma Saujani argues that we are teaching girls to be perfect when we need to teach them to be brave and take more...

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The TeenSleep study will be the largest study ever carried out into the nature and importance of sleep for teenagers. In particular, this Oxford University study will be exploring the impact of...

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With 1 in 12 young people deliberately self-harming at some point, there are 150,000 hospital attendances annually for self-harm related issues.

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I've spoken to lots of parents recently who are concerned about anxiety in their children, especially as the summer exams start to become a very real focus. What can you do as a teacher to help...

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Millfield School in Somerset has announced that they have joined the UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) Accreditation Scheme, the first school in the UK to do so.

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Normal teenagers are very often moody due to the complexity of the hormonal and physical changes that happen during puberty. However, it can be really difficult to distinguish normal teenage...

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I read about a bold move by Brighton College earlier today, whose Headmaster is scrapping the notion of girls' uniform and boys' uniform, to be replaced by a "trouser uniform" and "skirt uniform"...

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Many schools are using mindfulness as a mechanism for reducing stress levels amongst students and teachers.

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The What About YOUth survey has recently published its findings into analysing and mapping the typical life of 15 year olds in the UK - you can follow this link to find out more about the issues...

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Over the summer, researchers at the University of Cambridge published the findings of a study that they had carried out on the impact of the transition from primary school to secondary school on...

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30th November 2015

Mental Health resources

Recent surveys have shown that, on average, 3 children in a typical class suffer from some sort of mental health problem (although many never report it because of fear of stigma), and that over 60%...

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