The Professional Teacher
Support for teaching professionals in the classroom and beyondCategory
Building Relationships

OMG - Barry White welcomes his students to class!
Pure magic - Barry White Jr greets every single student with an individually created high-five.

All That We Share
I rather like this savvy and smart advert from TV2 in Denmark - in praise of difference, tolerance and togetherness. We live in a time where we quickly put people in boxes. Maybe we have more in...

No Phones Thursday
Some students at the RGS Newcastle were encouraged by their form tutor to hand in phones to a safe/secure location and spend their day chatting and avoiding tech distractions. Worth a try as part...

The Bush Sisters Wrote the Obama Girls A Letter
And what a spellbindingly beautiful letter it is ... a wonderful read, full of grace and hope

Developing wider skills - getting to know your community
Many teenagers are engaged in online communities through social media, and we certainly hear mutterings in the press about lack of social engagement from young people. Engaging with the community...

Getting to know your students - what's in a name?
This is the final post in the mini-series of blog posts on getting to know your students, and is all about their name! Ideally you ask students to complete the research part of this task as part of...

Getting to know your students - web spinning
I saw this technique being used in a counselling group and it definitely pinged my teacher-radar. All you need is a group of students and a ball of wool/string.
A Philosophical Point
The recent discussion on this blog got me thinking about the advice to get to know our students. I have been teaching for more than 20 years, in UK state schools and international schools in five...

Getting to know your students - creating growth mindsets
Many of you will have taken (or will be taking!) on new form / tutor groups in the coming days. One of the great things about being a form tutor is that you can often get to know your students in a...

Getting to know your new students
We're now well into the "Back to School" season, and to help you through the first week or so, here's the first post in a mini-series aimed at getting to know the new young people sitting in your...

The world as 100 people
I love this infographic about how we could consider the "make up" of the world if there were just 100 people.

A classroom infographic poster to inspire
I stumbled across this lovely infographic on earlier today when looking up quotes from children's literature for my own children, and thought it would be a nice infographic to print out...

Meeting and Greeting for effective classroom management
A few years ago I was observing lessons as part of my school's interview process for recruiting new teachers. As a rule, after the lesson taught by the potential recruit, the observer always asked...