
Women in Poverty

Adam Walton

25th September 2017

The following video would act as a starter activity for those who teach the Work, Poverty and Welfare unit. Even though women are seemingly not more likely to experience poverty than men, there are still some clear differences between the genders. Women within ethnic groups such as Chinese, Indian and black Caribbean are more likely to experience poverty compared to white women. The video identifies some of the main reasons as to why this is the case:

  • Women are more likely to be in part-time and low-paid work.
  • Women are more likely to stay at home and take the parenting role.
  • Women are more likely to be lone parents (this is a trend especially within Caribbean families).
  • Women are more likely to sacrifice their own standard of living to ensure children benefit.

As a group a discussion around whether poverty could be addressed if women had greater equality and freedom. Other areas this can link with is education, why are women in some countries limited educationally. Linking in with feminism as the state is acting with patriarchal control preventing women from gaining complete equality over the male power brokers within society. As educationally girls are performing better in areas than their male counterparts.

Reference: ATTN: Solving Poverty Starts With Empowering Women

Adam Walton

Adam is an energetic, enthusiastic and passionate teacher of Sociology and Psychology at a Grammar School in Kent. He is a creative teacher who loves creating innovative ways to teach Sociology and Psychology (often through dance). He is also the Head of PSHE and Citizenship

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