
Exploring Beliefs: The Moonies as a Long-Term Sect
The Unification Church of South Korea, more commonly known as the Moonies fits the typology of a sect in many ways.

Deep Dive into "Any Other Religion" Part One (Paganism)
This is the first in a 3 part series where I will take a deep-dive into the religions that have grown significantly in the UK, according to the 2021 Census (religion info released in November...

The Sociological Imagination: A fascinating talk from Pawan Dhingra
Pawan Dhingra talks at Harvard College about the sociological imagination. Why not share this video with your students?
What is Sociology for?
When I first chose to study A-Level Sociology a few years ago now, some of my friends and relatives asked me why I would chose to study the subject over something more familiar like Biology or...
The 'Longevity Economy'
The following article explores how as people are living longer and healthcare has improved for many around the world, older people's spending is also increasing as a result. The silver economy...
A Surveillance Society
The following podcast from BBC Beyond Today explores the use of surveillance in society.
Colbalt from the DRC
The following article from The Guardian explores the metals that are used in mobile phones, and the impact of mining for these.
School Startups
Following on from Monday's post about 'the point of GCSEs' comes an article about the education system from a different angle.
Green Taxes
Recent unrest in France has led to President Macron revoking a tax on motor fuel that was intended to be one strategy to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Macron was partly forced to do this as...
Has migration gone too far?
In a recent interview, Hillary Clinton warned that Europe needed to 'get a handle' on migration, otherwise risk 'fanning the flames of populism'.
Helicopter Parents
An interesting video from The Economist about ‘helicopter parents’.
Amazon is the world’s largest retailer and the following article provides an interactive look at how the company has grown since it was first established.
The Influence of Facebook
Following on from the post yesterday about the recent hearing by the US Congress and the Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, the following video explores just how powerful social media networks like...
Crash Course: Religion
Another great video from the Sociology Crash Course series and this time about religion (sacred, the profane and a summary of structural functionalists and conflict theorists).
Gender Pay Divide
The following video outlines one of the crucial issues with the gender pay divide between men and women.
The Growth of Megacities
Megacities are defined as cities with more than ten million inhabitants. Inward migration to cities is usually coupled with people seeking a ‘better quality of life’ where they have greater access...
Meet the Perspectives: Functionalism (Part 3)
Out-Dated Or Still Relevant? Does functionalism still have a place in modern society? Can it still be relevant considering how much has changed in society in the last 60 plus years? Strengths
Meet the Perspectives: Functionalism (Part 2)
The Organic Or Biological Analogy Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) developed the body analogy (also known as the organic analogy) to describe how society works. The various parts are interrelated and...
Showing 1 to 20 of 21 results