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The True Cost of our Obsession with Superfoods

Graham Watson

15th January 2023

Business Insider looks at so-called 'superfoods' in this half hour clip looking at how the production of three commodities - açaí,, avocado and durian fruit - are not as straightforward as they might seem.

It gives an insight into how producing at scale is driving small farmers out of business, how, in the case of avocados, Mexican gangs are getting involved, and how land issues in Malaysia are affecting durian farming.

It also highlights the value chain, and the fact that despite the increasing cost of these foods in developing economies receive little of the final price paid in developed economies.

The True Cost of our Obsession with Superfoods

Graham Watson

Graham Watson has taught Economics for over twenty years. He contributes to tutor2u, reads voraciously and is interested in all aspects of Teaching and Learning.

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