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Sustainable growth - meeting welfare needs within planetary boundaries

Graham Watson

19th November 2021

Nations are overusing natural resources faster than they are meeting basic human needs

Research done at the University of Leeds has discovered that no developed economy out of a sample of 148 has been able to simultaneously ensure economic growth without compromising sustainability.

On the other hand, developing economies were unable to meet the developmental needs of their populations, but were living within planetary boundaries.

And the bad news? According to the research, the number of economies over-consuming resources is growing.

"Wealthy countries were putting the future of the planet at risk to make minimal gains in human welfare, while poor countries were living within ecological boundaries but underachieving in areas such as life expectancy and access to energy."

More here from the research authors at the University of Leeds.

The actual research paper can be found here

Graham Watson

Graham Watson has taught Economics for over twenty years. He contributes to tutor2u, reads voraciously and is interested in all aspects of Teaching and Learning.

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