In the News
Is the UK sleep-walking into an unemployment crisis?
28th June 2020
This Larry Elliott article about prospects for jobs in the UK, suggests that, while in the short-term things will be bad, they are likely to be even worse in the longer term.
He suggest that the Job Retention Scheme has played a role in protecting jobs up to now but that the unwinding of it poses significant risks, and if the right policy choices aren't made, then we might be faced with unemployment as high as 15% of the labour force, which would see 4 million people unemployed.
Is this too bleak a picture? I suspect it might be: but what is certain is that the coronavirus pandemic will continue to cast a fairly lengthy shadow over the UK economy in the months to come, and so some, notably young workers, it might do so for even longer than that.
In this article, William Keegan delights that we're all Keynesians now! It seems the Chancellor has no alternative but to turn on the taps!
'Historians may come to view the great financial crisis of 2008 and the great lockdown of 2020 as a single event. There was no fundamental change to the failed model, merely sticking plaster solutions, including the creation of millions of insecure jobs.'
— Aditya Chakrabortty (@chakrabortty) June 26, 2020
We've analysed furloughing rates using our business survey (18 to 31 May 2020).
— Office for National Statistics (ONS) (@ONS) June 24, 2020
- 60% of temporarily closed businesses had furloughed more than 90% of their staff
- 80% of businesses continuing to trade had furloughed at least some of their staff
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