In the News

How TV advertising's woes have given small firms a bite at the cherry

Graham Watson

29th August 2020

Economics is a gift: I genuinely mean that. There are just so many interesting stories out there, including this one, that looks at an unforeseen consequence of the pandemic.

As a result of firms freezing their advertising spending, the price of airtime has fallen meaning that a greater number of small companies have been able to launch television advertising campaigns. You might have a think about whether or not you are now seeing a more diverse range of adverts on television - I know I am - I've seen a number for the home delivery of washing powder, and I've seen the dog food one.

Markets in action, demand and supply, the rich tapestry of life: all here!

Graham Watson

Graham Watson has taught Economics for over twenty years. He contributes to Tutor2U, reads voraciously and is interested in all aspects of Teaching and Learning.

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