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How China has monopolised the electric vehicle industry

26th November 2021
Not only is China the world's largest electric car market, but it's increasingly dominating the supply chain for the vehicles.
China's Tesla plant produces more cars than its California plant.
But perhaps more remarkably, the extent to which it has vertically integrated the supply chain means that according to this article it also supplies 85% of battery-ready cobalt, and has other sizeable investments in other rare earth metals.
Of course, as with a lot of Chinese investment, there are serious concerns about human rights, but even given that, the Chinese look handily placed to play a major role in the development of electric vehicles.
A good contextual example for your Theme 4 macroeconomics including trade, growth and development aspects.
‘Battery arms race’: how China has monopolised the electric vehicle industry
— Global Development (@GdnDevelopment) November 25, 2021
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