The Professional Teacher
Support for teaching professionals in the classroom and beyondThe Magic Hat

25th August 2017
Here's a fun teaching resource called the Magic Hat. It uses an onscreen magician's hat to randomly choose a playing card which you can use as a method for running an engaging quiz in the classroom.
Before you start you will need a set of questions to ask (at least 12 questions recommended) and a full pack of playing cards.
Separate your class into four teams. Give each team a name corresponding to a playing card suit - Spades, Diamonds, Clubs and Hearts. Hand each team a set of the 13 cards that matches their suit and then ask them to separate the cards among themselves as evenly as possible. Then use the Magic Hat to randomly choose which student answers a question. Give 2 points if the chosen student answers correctly and only 1 point if the student needs the help of their team mates.
In class, use the 'Open presenter view' of the Magic Hat (link just below)
An interactive Powerpoint version of this activity (where the questions can be integrated into the quiz on screen) is available from this link.
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