In the News

Selective abortion in India could lead to 6.8m fewer girls being born by 2030

Sarah Best

31st August 2020

It is estimated that the use of selective abortions in India will result in 6.8 million fewer females births by 2030.

Some states in India have a cultural preference for boys and, although it is illegal to reveal the sex of an unborn child (except for medical purposes), this still continues. It it also believed that India has 63 million fewer women since the introduction of sex determination tests.

This article could be used for the Families and Households unit (a comparison of demographics between the UK and other countries), as well as Global Development (demographic and gender as aspects of development).

Sarah Best

Sarah is a passionate full-time Head of Sociology and Psychology and has worked in a variety in schools in the UK, and she is currently working in a British international school. She is keen to develop and boost the profile of both subjects.

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