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The importance of the Latino vote in 2024

Mike McCartney

7th February 2024

How this voter bloc could prove to be pivotal this year

According to the latest US census, Latinos comprise the second largest group of voting age Americans.

Over 34 million Latino voters could cast a ballot in this November's election. Many historically think of big Latino populations in states like California. And, yes, Latino voters have influenced the way the state with the biggest number of electoral college votes goes at election time. But what they have helped do is shift the state solidly Democratic over the last handful of presidential elections, so how the Golden State votes isn't really going to be decisive in 2024. What matters is the Latino vote in states like Nevada, which, with its six electoral college votes has become a key swing state in recent years. For instance, in the last two most recent elections the Democrat candidate has taken the Silver State with less than three percent of the vote. It's no surprise, therefore, that most pollsters regard Nevada as a tossup for 2024.

While it is dangerous to consider the Latino population in the US as a homogeneous bloc, they are a growing influence in American politics.

This video considers the views of some Latino voters in Nevada.

Mike McCartney

Mike is an experienced A-Level Politics teacher, author and examiner.

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