
Gun control USA

Mike McCartney

21st April 2022

Two good websites of data. And a video that is a student favourite

America's relationship with guns is always a source of fascination for A Level Politics students. On my many educational visits to the US capital, the meeting with the folks from the NRA is always looked back on by students as a highlight of the US Politics trip.

So to supplement that interest, it would be remiss of me not to point blog readers to the BBC online, which has just published a feature "America's gun culture - in seven graphs" with some interesting data.

I can also recommend the website of "The Trace", a non profit that seeks to implement community based solutions to the problem of gun violence.

Last but not least is this clip of Piers Morgan (I'm sure all students know who he is), and Alex Jones. I'm sure a lot know who the latter is as well. But in case you don't, this is how Wikipedia describe him: “Alexander Emerick Jones is an American far-right radio show host and prominent conspiracy theorist.”


Piers Morgan "debates" Alex Jones

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