In the News

Republic - anti-monarchy pressure group

Mike McCartney

13th March 2023

Back in the news, for obvious reasons

When I started teaching Politics many years ago, I remember that abolition of the monarchy was on the A Level course (then called a syllabus and for a reason non one can explain, specification).

And many students when they embrace on a course of A Level studies are surprised the find that the topic is not part of it.

It is, of course, a staple of student debating societies. And if members of a Politics class are not members of such a group, then the topic could well form the basis of a classroom debate. I know it's difficult to find time in normal lessons, but in the past I have managed to arrange debates during lunch or after school, and it has worked well.

There are loads of resources on it. See debatewise here.

If schools take The Week or are encouraged to read it online, you may have seen this already.

The Economist even chips in with a video - see below.

Which brings us to Republic. By the way, talking of enrichment activities, representatives of the group are more than happy to pop in to schools, either for Politics Societies, or Sixth Form talks. Disclaimer: I'm not talking on their behalf, just that they have been kind enough to do so when I or a colleague have invited them.

So the Republic have been in the news. They have appeared a number of times at official Royal ceremonies. Like this one in Milton Keynes...

So Republic are a good case study for analysing aims, methods and questioning tie degree of success.

This is their website, by the way.

Interestingly, having done a bit of digging, I found an interesting connection. And one that looks with my previous blogs about environmental groups. See here, for example.

One of the members of Republic is also an active environmental activist. Check out the Daily Mail, that bastion of great and unbiased political news if you are interested in finding out more!! I hope the hyperlink opens.

ps you could mention the monarch in an essay about constitutional reform and/or the House of Lords, but as an examiner I have to say, it isn't always done well - so maybe best avoided??

Mike McCartney

Mike is an experienced A-Level Politics teacher, author and examiner.

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