Study Notes

Outsider pressure group

AS, A-Level
AQA, Edexcel, OCR, IB

Last updated 22 Mar 2021

Outsider pressure groups are not regularly consulted by government, and are thus reliant on winning over public opinion. This distinguishes them from ‘insider’ pressure groups – who

They include “Potential Insiders”, who only need acceptance (e.g. Charter 88, which campaigns for constitutional reform) and groups that would never want to be anything other than outsiders. The latter lack political sophistication, and tend to be strident and uncompromising (e.g. ‘Fathers 4 Justice’, a pressure group which campaigns for the rights of divorced fathers to see their children.)

There are three types of outsider pressure group - Potential Insiders aregroups such as Amnesty International, who prefer to remain outside the system.

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