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Recommended viewing: latest Trump doc

Mike McCartney

12th February 2021

Excellent insight into the foreign policy making process

Just when you thought you knew everything about Trump's modus operandi, this first episode is excellent watching for US Politics students.

If you are in Year 13 you will already be familiar with the often rival organisations of the Executive Office of the Presidency and the Cabinet. This episode is full of brilliant examples to supplement your short answers and essays on this topic area. For Year 12s, well worth watching now as background to this fascinating area of American politics.

BBC blurb here: "After one of the most shocking presidencies in history, Donald Trump’s top advisers and the leaders who clashed with him lift the lid on the critical moments of his foreign policy."

And here is the link:

Mike McCartney

Mike is an experienced A-Level Politics teacher, author and examiner.

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