
US primaries and elections free event

Mike McCartney

16th January 2024

Heads up about a free event at the LSE just after Super Tuesday

With over a third of delegates up for grabs by the time Super Tuesday draws to a close on the 5th of March, it is more than likely that Donald Trump and Joe Biden will be the nominees of their respective parties.

For those of us fascinated by the US political process,* there is a great free event at the LSE. According to the organisation's blurb:

"Will Super Tuesday guarantee a repeat of the 2020 contest between Joe Biden and Donald Trump?

The day after this important primary contest, this panel discussion with academics and journalists will reflect on the US presidential primary results and give their predictions for the general election."

It's free to attend, on a first come, first served basis and is to be held at the LSE's main campus in Holborn.

Like other events, an online version will also be broadcast.

More details here.

*or to help UCAS applicants for the 2025 cycle onwards answer questions about their preparation for university.

Mike McCartney

Mike is an experienced A-Level Politics teacher, author and examiner.

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