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Excellent devolution resource

Mike McCartney

29th January 2021

'Has Devolution Worked?' from the Institute for Government is essential for anyone teaching or studying this key topic

The pdf document is a treasure trove of useful facts, examples and arguments. And although it just a wee bit outdated, you can't look a gift horse, as they say.

According to the IfG website:

'Has Devolution Worked? is the latest publication from the Institute for Government’s devolution research programme. It includes 10 commissioned essays, each of which addresses a particular question about the success of devolution since 1999.

Part 1 of the report comprises essays that consider the success of devolution to Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, London and the English regions.

Part 2 consists of thematic analyses of the impact of devolution on the economy, trust in politics, policy innovation, diversity and the UK constitution as a whole.

The report also includes an exclusive interview with Tony Blair about devolution, Brexit and the future of the Union, and an overview of the whole essay collection by the Institute for Government.'

Download the full document here: https://www.instituteforgovern...

Mike McCartney

Mike is an experienced A-Level Politics teacher, author and examiner.

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