
The early history of the UK government and covid

Mike McCartney

17th March 2021

We're not quite at the Warren Commission stage, but an excellent long read by the BBC's political correspondent

Approaching the one year anniversary of the first national lockdown, this fantastic piece by Laura Kuenssberg is well worth a read.

Reading it reminded me of something a German friend, who lives in the UK, said to me early on on the pandemic, when there was lots of praise for his home country's response (good) when compared to how the British government was handling it (poorly). What he said went along the lines of the idea that the Germans were better planners and had a history of forging ahead when compared to the British, but the British had more of a fighting spirit and learned while muddling through. If you read the article, and consider the Johnson led Conservative government's change in fortunes, it does seem (while I don't totally agree with what he said) quite prophetic.

I'd really encourage A Level students to have a read. The link is here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-...

Mike McCartney

Mike is an experienced A-Level Politics teacher, author and examiner.

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