
Book recommendation: Landslide - the Final Days of the Trump Preisdency

Mike McCartney

22nd July 2021

'Landslide: the Final Days of the Trump Presidency', by Michael Wolff is a book that is hard to put down!

The third instalment of Wolff's trilogy on the 45th President is a fascinating, sometimes hilarious, and often disturbing account of the 2020 election, and its immediate aftermath.

Wolff's earlier books were previously dismissed by Trump as 'fake news', but for this one the author was given direct access to the President.

As such, the face to face meetings merely confirm that Trump was a celebrity elevated to the most important political office in the world, whose lack of experience in government led to the most ramshackle presidency in history.

The insights into the haphazard and, frankly, at times barmy, goings-on in the White House never cease to amaze.

For me, the analysis of the behaviour of Rudy Gluiliani, the once highly respected Mayor of New York, and how it provides an account of the extent of a staggering fall from grace almost overshadowed the main character of the book - such as the detailing of a personal habit Giuliani has, that I won't mention here (you have to read the book!).

True, the book doesn't do much to explain the ongoing appeal of 'The Donald', as evinced by the fact that he garnered the second highest number of votes in the history of presidential elections (at 74 million, 5 million more than Barack Obama's 2008 victory).

But, in many ways, it should perhaps be required reading for the 53% of Republicans who believe the 2020 election was stolen. And, indeed, therefore, those who have been turning up at his 'Save America' rallies recently.

Link to Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Lands...

Although, other book retailers are available. Such as Blackwell's (trading from its base in Oxford since late 19c): https://blackwells.co.uk/books...

Mike McCartney

Mike is an experienced A-Level Politics teacher, author and examiner.

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