
Social Enterprises

Social enterprises are businesses that are set up to achieve a social or environmental mission. They are driven by a desire to have a positive impact on society, rather than by the pursuit of profit for shareholders. In the United Kingdom, social enterprises can be structured in a variety of ways, including as cooperatives, charitable organizations, or for-profit companies with a social purpose.

Some examples of social enterprises in the UK include:

  1. The Eden Project is a charitable organization that runs a visitor attraction in Cornwall, England, focused on promoting sustainable living. It also operates a range of social and environmental projects around the world.
  2. The Big Issue is a magazine sold by homeless or vulnerably housed individuals, with the aim of helping them to earn a legitimate income and break the cycle of poverty. The company is structured as a social business, with surpluses being reinvested to support the magazine's social mission.
  3. Traidcraft is a fair trade organization that works with small-scale producers in developing countries to sell their products in the UK. It operates as a social enterprise, with profits being reinvested to support the company's social and environmental goals.
  4. The Social Investment Business is a nonprofit organization that provides finance and support to social enterprises and charities in the UK. It aims to use the power of finance to drive social and environmental change.

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