Teaching PowerPoints

Labour Market Failure (2019 Update)

AS, A-Level, IB
AQA, Edexcel, OCR, IB, Eduqas, WJEC

Last updated 9 Apr 2019

This is an updated presentation on different aspects of labour market failure and possible remedies through government intervention.

For many economists, the labour market is the most important market of all to study, analyse and evaluate. Like product markets for goods and services, labour markets can also fail. The main types of labour market failure are labour immobility including skills gaps, inequality, disincentives to be economically active, labour market discrimination and the effects of monopsony power of employers.

Labour Market Failure (2019 Update)
Labour Market Failure (2019 Update) Video 1 of 2
Labour Market Failure (2019 Update) Video 2 of 2

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