Topic Videos

Labour Market Diagrams - Six Short Revision Videos

AS, A-Level, IB
AQA, Edexcel, OCR, IB, Eduqas, WJEC

Last updated 10 May 2022

In this series of six short videos, we look at building labour demand and supply analysis to support answers on a range of key labour market issues.

In this short video we look at using labour demand and labour supply diagrams to help build analysis on the causes of wage differentials.

Labour Market Diagrams: Wage Differentials

In this short video we look at ideas for building more developed labour demand and labour supply diagrams to analyse and then evaluate the impact of a minimum wage.

Labour Market Diagrams: Minimum Wage

In this short video we look at ideas for building more developed labour demand and labour supply diagrams to analyse and then evaluate the impact of inward migration of labour,

Labour Market Diagrams: Inward Migration

In this short video we look at ideas for building more developed labour demand and labour supply diagrams to analyse and then evaluate the impact of outward migration of labour.

Labour Market Diagrams: Outward Migration

In this short video we look at ideas for building more developed labour demand and labour supply diagrams to analyse and then evaluate the impact of trade unions engaged in collective bargaining with employers.

Labour Market Diagrams: Trade Unions and Wages

In this short video we look at ideas for building more developed labour demand and labour supply diagrams to analyse and then evaluate the impact of zero hour contracts.

Labour Market Diagrams: Zero Hour Contracts

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