Teaching PowerPoints

4.3.3. Economic Focus on Zambia (Edexcel A-Level Economics Teaching PowerPoint)


Last updated 23 Oct 2023

This teaching powerpoint covers some growth and development issues in Zambia.

  • Poverty: Despite recent economic growth, poverty remains widespread in Zambia, with around 64% of the population living below the poverty line.
  • Inequality: Income inequality is high in Zambia, with the top 10% of the population earning almost 40% of the total income.
  • Infrastructure: Poor infrastructure, including inadequate roads, power supply, and telecommunications, hinders economic growth and development.
  • Health: The health care system in Zambia is underfunded and lacks adequate resources, leading to high maternal and child mortality rates, and a high prevalence of HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases.
  • Education: Education in Zambia faces challenges including high levels of illiteracy, inadequate facilities and resources, and low teacher salaries.

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