Topic Videos

2022 Exams - Key Application Data on the UK Labour Market

A-Level, IB
AQA, Edexcel, OCR, IB, Eduqas, WJEC

Last updated 16 May 2022

In this video we look at a range of key statistics on the UK labour market in 2022 and add in some useful commentary.

2022 Exams - Key Application Data on the UK Labour Market


UK resident population

67.1 million

Population of working age

41.3 million

Employed labour force

32.5 million

Unemployment rate

3.8% of the labour force

Unemployment level

1.3 million

Youth unemployment rate

11.3% of 16-24 year olds

Employment rate

75.5% pop of working age

Job Vacancies in the UK

1.25 million

People on zero-hour contracts

920,000 (2.6% of jobs)

Trade Union membership

6.6 million (24% of all)

Median full-time earnings

£31,000 (£611 a week)

Mean full-time earnings


Size of the Gender Pay Gap


Number of people economically inactive

21% of pop of working age

Number of people long-term unemployed

320,000 (25% of total U)

UK Gini Coefficient

34.4 per cent (or 0.34)

Net migration into the UK per year

2019: 277K, 2020: 130K

Age-dependency ratio

57% of working age pop

Minimum wage for adult workers (aged 23+)

£9.50 per hour

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