This World Bank clip looks at the implications of climate change for East Asia and the Pacific, and their ability to adapt to the challenges that it poses and, hopefully, overcome them.

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I'll be moving onto government intervention soon in my Year 12 microeconomics. So these two stories on lobbying for government subsidy caught my eye as potential mini case studies for student...

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Ahead of the latest UK base rate decision, this Guardian editorial is aggressively anti-Bank of England, arguing that any decision to significantly raise interest rates tomorrow is not in the...

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This Economist clip looks at the extent to which deforestation has generated negative externalities, the causes and consequences of this, as well as the potential solutions to this, at a time when...

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In June 2022, Croatia was given the go-ahead by fellow member nations of the European Union to switch to the single currency from the 1st of January 2023. Croatia stands to become the 20th nation...

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Campaign group, Tax Justice UK, argues that the government could implement five tax reforms, most notably equalising Capital Gains and income tax rates, to reduce levels of tax avoidance, among...

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It is a question I have often asked of myself wandering down a supermarket aisle. Why are Nordic Blueberries so expensive? "Nordic blueberries" or bilberries, grow in Nordic forest, and rapid lose...

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BBC Newsnight launched their Newsnight Global programme last night and the special on Taiwan was superb. Within it was a segment from Economics Correspondent Ben Chu on Taiwan's status as - far and...

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When you are studying globalisation, it is handy to have some key stats on the world economy at your fingertips.

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Here is a quick update on the UK economy. We'll aim to produce one each month as we head into what many economists predict will be a difficult autumn and winter for the UK. Can a severe recession...

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Today's Observer carries an interview with the CEO of Body Shop, a business owned by Brazilian firm Natura which has weathered several storms in recent years and - having cut back on their store...

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The UK's employment rate has fallen since the pandemic – unlike other major economies. There is a lengthy piece here by The Observer's Heather Stewart on the rise in economic inactivity in the UK...

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This World Bank clip looks at how the events of the last three years - coronavirus and the war in Ukraine has stopped global poverty reduction, and actually pushed over 70 million people into poverty.

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This Business Insider video clip suggests that asphalt is endlessly recyclable: however, regulations often limit the extent to which it can be recycled, with many having a 30% limit.

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The Financial Times has published a new video on the economic consequences of Brexit for the UK economy, and it is safe to say that the overall conclusion is that the hard form of Brexit that came...

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A new report from health consultancy Carnall Farrar claims that every £1 invested in the NHS translates into an overall economic return of £4 in the local area. This is a good example to add to...

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I suspect many Economics teachers have been using the concept of disposable income with great frequency in recent weeks. Most forecasts predict that in 2022-2023, there will be a significant fall...

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The Bank of England is sending some serious messages to the financial markets - and pension funds in particular - that they see significant risks to the financial stability of the UK economy.

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Some rather depressing research from Oxfam reveals that budget analysis shows that post-Covid health spending has fallen in around a half of the poorest countries and that welfare spending and...

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This FT video looks at the carbon offset market - suggesting that the voluntary carbon offset market isn't working as it should, with the impact of carbon removal projects minimal and avoidance...

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