Rachel Reeves - The Women Who Made Modern Economics

22nd October 2023
It is likely, perhaps probable that Rachel Reeves will become the UK's first female Chancellor sometime in 2024. So her new book has been much anticipated not least because it covers some of the significant influences on her during her career as an economist which included a stint at the Bank of England.
Drawing on her own experiences and linking them to the women who have gone before, Rachel Reeves explores the ideas of economic theorists such as Harriet Martineau, Mary Paley Marshall and Joan Robinson. She also describes and analyses the contributions of today's policy makers like Janet Yellen, Gita Gopinath and Christine Lagarde, offering insight into how their work has influenced her.
The book has been reviewed here by the Guardian and also here by Diane Coyle at Enlightenment Economics. Please read: A woman economist in charge
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