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Monopsony Power - Boohoo's Broken Promises

Geoff Riley

6th November 2023

If you are studying the economics of ethical business models and the consequences of monopsony power in labour and product markets, the criticisms of Boohoo are deep-rooted and hugely important. This BBC Panorama documentary available on iPlayer provides the background.

More here: Fast fashion: Boohoo breaks promises on ethical overhaul

There has been quite a bit of criticism aimed at Boohoo in recent years, particularly around the company's fast fashion business model and its treatment of workers. Here are some of the main criticisms:

  • Poor working conditions at supplier factories: Reports have suggested that workers in Boohoo's supplier factories are paid low wages, work long hours in unsafe conditions, and are subjected to verbal and physical abuse.
  • Greenwashing: Boohoo has been accused of making misleading claims about its sustainability efforts, such as using misleading labels like "sustainable" or "eco-friendly" to describe clothes that are made using polluting materials and processes.
  • Excessive production and waste: Critics argue that Boohoo's fast fashion business model encourages overconsumption and produces a lot of waste.

Overall, there is a growing movement to hold fast fashion companies like Boohoo accountable for their social and environmental impacts.

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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