In the News
London Gateway and Britain's Shopping Obsession
2nd November 2017
I like the many stories behind London Gateway - it represents a boost for Britain's supply-side and reflects changing consumer tastes, particularly a rise in internet retailing too. There's also something to be said about economies of scale, and automation.
However, for now, it still lags behind Felixstowe and Southampton in terms of shipping volumes.
That said, I'll focus on one thing: who owns Britain's ports? Note it is DP World London Gateway, and look at who owns the other ports mentioned. They are all privately owned, debunking the myth that all infrastructure must necessarily be state-provided.
Indeed, most of the world's busiest ports are private, and not state-owned concerns.
Hat tip to Mark Levinson's brilliant - and I mean that, it's possibly my favourite Economics book - "The Box".
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