
Stirring up growth with public investment [Year 12 Enrichment Task]

Penny Brooks

11th June 2020

In the face of a flood of bad economic news, this week's Enrichment Task asks Year 12 students to look at the role that government spending could have in promoting economic growth. With a focus on the UK economy, there are links to the Deloitte Monday Briefing which notes that GDP shrank by between 20 and 30% in March and April, as well as a radio programme and web article from the BBC last weekend which asked whether public investment is the key to escaping the crisis. For those with access to FT for Schools (available free of charge from https://www.ft.com/stream/dc4eb395-7eaa-4cea-a0c8-4ad46ec26347), there is also an article looking at the range of infrastructure projects which have been on hold for the last three months, and which could be restarted quickly.

The task sets ten questions for students to respond to, once they have read these articles and reflected on them.

Yr 12 9 Stirring Up Growth With Public Investment

Penny Brooks

Formerly Head of Business and Economics and now Economics teacher, Business and Economics blogger and presenter for Tutor2u, and private tutor

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