In the News

Is Carbon Capture a White Elephant?

Graham Watson

11th September 2015

This FT video highlights the need for scepticism regarding carbon capture and storage technology. It is typically FT: excellent, data rich and looks at the economics of this innovative, currently expensive but potentially game changing technology.

It is still the case that fossil fuels are the cheapest way to produce energy - and on that basis people are going to opt for fossil fuel generation - but this should also prompt the market to find solutions to clean up the pollution associated with it.

Pilita Clark, the FT's environment correspondent, looks at the troubled efforts to get carbon capture systems, the technology that lets us keep burning fossil fuels without warming the planet, off the drawing board and into action.

Graham Watson

Graham Watson has taught Economics for over twenty years. He contributes to Tutor2U, reads voraciously and is interested in all aspects of Teaching and Learning.

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