In the News

Energy Economics - Hornsea 2 becomes fully operational

Geoff Riley

31st August 2022

Here is an important glimmer of hope during the energy crisis. Hornsea 2 - the world's largest off-shore wind farm has become fully operational.

Situated 55 miles off the east coast of Yorkshire, Hornsea 2 can generate enough electricity to power about 1.3 million homes - that's enough for a city the size of Manchester.

Owned and operated by the Danish renewable firm Orsted, Hornsea 2 can provide 1.4GW of energy at 57.5£/MW. It is an important component of the drive to increase affordable renewable capacity at scale and help meet the government's net zero target.

The sheer scale of the facility is breath-taking - it spans an area the size of 64,000 football pitches. It comprises over 160 turbines each twice as tall as Big Ben.

Here is a quick video on the construction process. One important aspect is the positive multiplier effects from this investment in renewable capacity. The project has created many new, well-paid jobs in a region that has suffered long-run structural decline in the fishing industry.

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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