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Engaging reluctant writers - FREE resource inside

Sam Ashraf

3rd August 2016

I love teaching psychology and have done so for a long time. It still saddens me that many of our students are choosing to study this subject under the misconception of it being a 'soft subject’. If you dare to ask any student or teacher if it's an easy option, then don't be surprised by their response!

Year after year we teach students who, because of the above, may be reluctant writers. How do we entice these students to put pen to paper? Unfortunately, we have to encourage excellent writing skills in this subject, to prove knowledge, understanding and application. I remember, only a few years ago, a student of mine who hated writing, who had convinced himself and others that writing was something he just could not be successful at.

A very simple idea of graffiti tables enabled this very reluctant writer to become a student who felt comfortable in expressing his ideas on paper (or rather tables!) I coupled this with teaching him the burger technique to write the longer essay answers and his really did give him the structure he really needed. tutor2u have a fantastic resource (see below) on using this technique that my students have really taken to.

Don't stop at using pen and paper, try mini whiteboards, wallpaper, tables and even windows too.

Why not try writing on the desks like Sam's students?

The Burger Technique

To help you students develop their essay writing, why not try these two teaching & learning activities. The AO3 Burger is perfect for Year 1 essay writing, however if you fancy a challenge, why not add some extra meat to your burger and try our Year 2 AO3 Double Whopper.

AO3 Burger

AO3 Double Whopper

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Sam Ashraf

Samira is Head of Psychology and Literacy & Numeracy Co-ordinator in an outstanding academy in Slough.

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