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AQA A-Level Psychology Catch Up 2021 - Biopsychology

Anna Stapleton

30th December 2020

Almost 2,000 students are now enrolled on AQA A-Level Psychology Catch Up 2021 - Biopsychology - a self-paced online course that guides AQA A-Level Psychology students through the entire Biopsychology topic.

This Catch-Up course provides students with an opportunity to study the Biopsychology topic in full.

Designed and recorded by experienced AQA A-Level Psychology teachers and examiners, the course is organised into sections which precisely map to the AQA specification on Biopsychology. Students are provided with short guided videos , supported by interactive revision activities and resource downloads.

Whilst the course is designed to be completed in sequence, it is also ideal as a support resource for “flipped” or independent learning.

All of the Week 1 course content for Biopsychology can be viewed for free by enrolling in preview mode from the course home page.

Take a look at AQA A-Level Catch Up 2021 Biopsychology here >>>

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