In the News

Tackling poverty in the US and the link to federalism

Ruth Tarrant

12th January 2016

Last weekend the Republican party held a presidential forum on tackling poverty, chaired by the popular House Speaker Paul Ryan - most of the Republican presidential hopefuls were present (Trump and Cruz notable by their absence) and introduced their views on tackling poverty for pretty much the first time in their campaigns despite nearly 50m Americans living below the poverty line. Mr Ryan has proposed transferring responsibility for tackling poverty away from federal government and towards state governments by using block grants, rather than categorical grants, and this view was endorsed by the campaign-runners who were present.

Ruth Tarrant

Ruth has been Subject Lead in Economics at tutor2u for many years after a career of teaching Economics, Business, Politics and Maths in a range of secondary schools. She is a highly experienced A level Economics Examiner, and also teaches undergraduate Economics on a very part-time basis at the University of Oxford. Ruth is passionate about making economics fun, engaging and accessible.

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