
Enrichment: excellent event on political economy at the LSE 7th March 2023

Mike McCartney

28th February 2023

Heads up. Paul Johnson of the IFS is to speak on the subject of his new book - ideal for those interested in political economy

According to the LSE website:

"Government decisions determine the welfare of the poor and the elderly, the state of the health service, the effectiveness of our children’s education, and how prepared we are for the future: whether that is a pandemic or global warming. As a society, we are a reflection of what the government spends.

Johnson looks at what happened following the financial crisis of 2008-09 and the austerity years that followed. He examines the way that the government tackled the economy during Covid – when the UK budget shot up to over a trillion for the first time – and he analyses prospects for our future as we grapple with looming recession and the cost of living crisis."

If you want to attend in person, tickets are on a first come, first served basis. Or, it is available to stream online. More details here.

Excellent Oxbridge prep!!

Mike McCartney

Mike is an experienced A-Level Politics teacher, author and examiner.

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