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Bad news for Biden - with video of gaffe prone POTUS

Mike McCartney

3rd November 2021

The Virginia gubernatorial race was seen to be a quasi referendum on the President's popularity

So news just in that the Republicans have taken a state that voted for Biden by 10 clear points in the 2020 presidential ballot, doesn't augur well.

Virginia governor race: Glenn Youngkin wins 2021 election over Terry McAuliffe, CNN projects - CNNPolitics

Many predicted that Biden would have just two years to pass any legislation, with the midterms likely to create divided government. But the latest poll in a state that because of a changing democratic landscape has trended Democrats over the last decade or so will give his opponents in Congress more reason to block his campaign promises.

Economic issues seem to be at the forefront of the minds of voters, for the many of the same reasons as in the UK: supply chain issues, rising inflation, and high rates of covid infection are damaging confidence in the ability of the Biden administration to keep on the right track. The key difference seems to be that voters in the US are willing to give a kicking to the incumbent party while in the UK the Conservatives have held a steady lead even during the economic troubles of recent months. See Politico poll: POLITICO Poll of Polls — British polls, trends and election news for the United Kingdom and Scotland – POLITICO

And while we're here, this is another compliation of Bidenisms.

Mike McCartney

Mike is an experienced A-Level Politics teacher, author and examiner.

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