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Talking BTEC Tech Award Recording

Lynne Fountain

7th June 2023

If you missed our 'Talking BTEC Tech Award' live teacher panel event today, you can catch up by watching the replay below, which is just a taster of the packed face-to-face Teaching the New BTEC Tech Award CPD days we are running in July.

Lynne Fountain

Lynne has taught Health and Social Care in FE and secondary schools since 2014. She has successfully led a large Social Sciences department at a girl's comprehensive school in London and she is an experienced examiner and moderator. Lynne is also a teacher of Sociology, with a first degree in Sociology and an MSc in Criminology. Prior to her teaching career, Lynne held a variety of roles for the Department of Education, the charity sector, youth justice and a large children's hospital, where she used her Post Graduate Certificate in Health Service Management to manage a forensic paediatric medical service.

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