Study Notes

Weimar and Nazi Germany (1918-1939): Challenges to the Weimar Republic from the Left

AQA, Edexcel, OCR

Last updated 15 Jul 2024

Those parties on the extreme left did not support the Weimar Republic and were keen to challenge it both inside the Reichstag and outside on the streets.

The main extreme left-wing party was the Communist Party (KPD) who wanted to get rid of capitalism and create a communist state for the benefit of the workers.

Inside the Reichstag, the extreme left managed to obtain around 20% of the seats (a similar figure to the extreme right). With around 40% of the seats between them, the extremist parties could cause significant problems for the governing moderate parties who struggled to create effective coalitions in the Reichstag.

Outside of the Reichstag the Communists challenged the Republic by using private armies to protect the party and also through rebellion such as the Spartacist Revolt. The Soviet Union supported the German Communist Party ensuring it was well funded.

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